
Various working principle of Vacuum coating equipments

Various working principle of Vacuum coating equipments
Vacuum coating equipments can be divided into: evaporation vacuum coating equipments, magnetron sputtering vacuum coating equipments and ion plating vacuum coating equipments.
Evaporation vacuum coating machine working principle is to put the coating materials into the vacuum chamber,heating to evaporate the evaporation source, when the mean free path of molecules is greater than the linear dimensions of the evaporation vacuum coating chamber, atomic and molecular vapor escaping from the surface of the evaporation source, little impact and impede other molecules or atoms, can be plated directly to the surface of the substrate, due to the low temperature of the substrate, and then condense on film.
Magnetron Sputtering vacuum coating machine is formed by a vacuum glow discharge, accelerate the positive ions bombard the target so that the sputtering phenomenon caused by the surface, so that the target surface deposition of particles emitted onto the substrate to form a film.
Multi-arc ion vacuum plating machine is the use of a vacuum arc discharge evaporation source count for technology that ignited the evaporation source (cathode) in a vacuum environment, between the anode and the formation of a self-sustaining arc discharge, both cathode material released from the cathode arc shining point ions. Since the current local concentration, the Joule heat generated by the cathode material locally explosively into plasma, under the influence of operating bias of a compound with the reaction gas, and the deposition is formed on the surface plated layer.

