
Nano vacuum coating machine contrast domestic and foreign markets

 Nano vacuum coating using nanotechnology for surface modification, coating, modified, or add new features. You can improve the corrosion protection ability of the matrix to achieve the purpose of surface modification can also water pollution, corrosion antioxidant, can also use nanomaterials coating building materials, such as sanitary ware, interior space, outdoor construction, resulting in sterilization, cleaning effect.
In the 1980s, the way the German Federal Department of Research in research, nano analysis, nano-structured materials and other functions, the government provides funds for scientific research in the field of nano research about three hundred million euros a year, more than any other country in Europe. Over the years, a new type of nano-vacuum coating much importance to governments and the scientific community. A time has been rapid development, with the United States, Germany, Japan, is a leading country in the world in the field of nanotechnology. Engaged in nanotechnology research and development company, half are in Germany, and has drawn attention to the global community.
Let's look at the domestic nano vacuum coating market, most of the nano-coating products also are in the experimental stage, from the real industrialization is still far away. And no mature domestic research and development of production systems, related weakness has become an important factor restricting domestic independent production of nano coating products.
Nano domestic market is to break the routine, there are many urgent needs for product manufacturers, have nanotechnology as a new selling point. Nanotechnology has now become the focus of new technology to compete on a global scale, experts predict nano-coating market prospects ah.


Vacuum Equipment maintanence Tips

  Vacuum Coating Equipment maintanence Tips-Vacuum Pumps &Vacuum Coating Machines
 Attention:vacuum coating equipment, vacuum pumps maintenance time, user according to the working environment.
1:dairy maintenance items: check the oil smell and oil color
Note:vacuum pump oil is bright and clear, if oil is cloudy after static precipitation have not disappeared substance or oil were black need to replace the vacuum pump oil,
Note :the life of the oil depends on the working environment, take clean, dry gas and temperature below 100℃ environment generally have to replace the oil every 500-2000 work hours
2:weekly maintenance items :check vacuum pump oil, if oil leakage, please repair vacuum pump
3:  monthly maintenance items :check the exhaust filter resistance is determined by the current change of the motor, to confirm whether need to replace exhaust filters
Check the air inlet filter, if necessary, please wash (with compressed air )or replace the air inlet filter core
4:six monthly maintenance items :please ensure that the vacuum pump cavity without dust and dirt, if necessary, please clean the vacuum pump chamber, please clean the blades, cover of blades and disc finned tubing (with compressed air )
5:yearly maintenance items:
Please repair the air inlet filter core, please replace the exhaust filter
6:please clean vacuum pump, attention:black bad oil tubing and cooling pipe can jam
Attention:black bad oil can make vacuum pump lubrication, can damage vacuum pump and  cause high temperature
According to 50% of the vacuum pump oil, the proportion of 50% paraffin oil or fuel wood machine development of 2L as cleaning agent,  close the inlet port, making  vacuum pump running less than  30minutes  ,all cleaner   emissions
Attention :using paraffin or wood machine fuel, start the pump will have peculiar smell, operating after a period of time will gradually disappear.


Vacuum Coating Create New Applications to the Mobile Phone Cover Color Coating

  For a long time, because of the continuous improvement of the national economy and improving people's living standards, which greatly affect the status and role of film industry in the national economy, the requirement for more and more product coating, the market demand is growing.
   Vacuum coating equipment is an important part of the film industry, if not advanced and efficient coating machine, there is no modern film industry.
   Phone, precisely because it can be everyday communication and exchange on the move, and thus more convenient and more popular. Development of mobile phones from the original big, thick, heavy to today's ultra-thin compact and beautiful, more is the increasing number of calls from the past to today's micro simple letter, hot microblogging, mobile phone brand is flourishing. Particularly the elderly mobile phone, children mobile phones, stocks phones, business phones, etc. The emergence of professional custom phone, it is a clean sweep of the whole society consumer groups. You can say that mobile phone sales market booming. At all businesses have invested in mobile marketing team in difficult flame when on the phone waterproof technology research - nano vacuum coating much industry attention.
   Nano vacuum coa​ting the fact that the use of nano vacuum coating equipment and high-tech nano surface protectants, providing services to mobile phone users recessive film. Its principle is based on the principle of high pressure gasification 3D, mist reached within a hundred percent complete external cladding electronic products, ie not blocking any contact, but also to achieve the effect of the whole is completely waterproof, nano-tech achievements recessive film is over existing mobile phone film benefits more and more powerful, will replace the existing types of rigid foil.
  Of course, in the coating process, the high-tech nano surface protectant played a key role in nanometer circuit proof insulation fluid can never ran, water proof, protect the circuit from oxidation, abuse, prolong the life of appliances. Nano hardening liquid is able to increase the surface hardness of the glass, metal, wood, cement, etc., transparency, brightness, anti-scratch. Nano anti-bacteria to prevent the growth of bacteria, virus infection, with clean-up, self-cleaning function. Professional waterproof nano tech nano hydrophobic liquid containing a large factor and radiation protection factor, to protect against water penetration, damage.
  Therefore, after the phone vacuum nano-coating process, Ke Ruite laboratory tests show that the longest throw in the water can reach six hours without water, without damaging, in the water can receive calls, but also when the waterproof camera, waterproof camera use, underwater photographs and video. Meanwhile the phone through the membrane cubic nanometer vacuum coating process, increasing the phone surface scratch, anti-wear capabilities, not film, thus increasing the sensitivity of the mobile phone operations, increasing the permeability of the screen, reducing the reflective interference, can relieve eye fatigue, protect eyesight, enhanced cooling capacity, reducing the risk of charging fire, delaying thermal aging, reducing the crash probability of the phone, can effectively extend the life of the phone. Is the result of more powerful mobile phones as well as anti-bacterial vacuum coating, anti-pollution, anti-static, anti-radiation effect.


Can vacuum coating machine improve the quality of life?

  Vacuum coating machine (also called coating machine) and it's continuously improve quality make our daily life exposed to the supplies were exquisitely decorated, we enjoy the vision of beauty. Our life is increasingly out of vacuum coating machine (coating machine).
  You may have any questions that our life is so inseparable from the vacuum coating machine.The us, for example, we used ordinary life, clotheshorse. In the past in the home use clotheshorse generally adopts the jinsu process, namely the bread a layer of plastic on the wire, avoid wire hangers rust, to improve the durability of the hangers, However, vacuum coating machine, vacuum coating equipment), makes people started using vacuum evaporation plating coating processing for the main body of plastic clotheshorse; Using the multi arc ion coating machine ion plating on the iron hook clotheshorse,making the clotheshorse not only decorated appearance and colour profusion more colorful after coating processing clotheshorse,soda acid antioxidant ability.
  The qualities of our living ascension is increasingly when leaving vacuum coating machine.


What is the working principle of various coating way?

 What is the working principle of various coating way? In accordance with the coating for vacuum coating machine mainly can be divided into: evaporative deposition, ion plating and magnetron sputtering coating, so how do they work?
The formation of sputtering deposition technology is the use of vacuum glow discharge, accelerate the positive ions make its bombardment of sputtering target material surface phenomenon, make out the surface of the target material particle deposition to form a thin film to the substrate.
 Working principle of evaporative coating is put membrane material in vacuum coating indoor, after evaporation source heating evaporation, when the evaporation molecular mean free path is greater than the linear dimensions of the vacuum coating chamber, the steam of atoms and molecules escape from the surface of the evaporation source, little impact of other molecules or atoms and the obstacles, can directly reach the plating surface of the substrate, due to the low substrate temperature, then condensation and film.
 Tial principle is the use of vacuum arc discharge counts in the evaporation source technology, is the source of ignition under vacuum evaporation (cathode), and self sustaining formed between anode arc discharge, which emitted from the cathode arc light point cathode material of ions.
 Vacuum coating machine company, points out that because of the current local concentration, lead to the joule heat to the cathode material partly ionization, such as explosive to bias in the work under the action of combined with the reaction gas, which is deposited on the workpiece surface is formed by plating layer.